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Major Duties of the Office of Student Affairs

In accordance with the goals of R.O.C. higher education and the conventional conceptions held by the general public, Technology and Science Institute of Northern Taiwan has the following objectives to achieve concerning student affairs.
1. To develop students' well-rounded maturity: physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually
2. To educate the students about ethics and value judgments
3. To work toward the excellence in the students’ thought, behavior, and academic performance and also equip them with diverse skills through providing the students with abundant learning activities There are five divisions, namely Life Guidance Division, Extracurricular Activities Division, 
Sanitation and Health Care Division, Counseling and Guidance Division, and Physical Education Division, functioning to reach the above-mentioned goals and enable the TPCU students to have a successful and fruitful school life.

Life Guidance Division 
This division is responsible for providing the students with a pleasant and safe learning environment. Our main objective is to help the students establish good living habits and develop a positive attitude towards their life. The main tasks are as follows.
1. Student award and punishment processing and leave of absence processing
2. Student loan and tuition fee waiving/reduction
3. Application for financial aid, scholarship, and on-campus employment
4. On-campus dormitory application and management
5. Counseling on renting a room and getting a part-time job off campus
6. Education on democracy and human rights
7. Tsun-Huei Project on educating TPCU students (about the negative consequences of drug abuse as well as addicted smoking)
8. Traffic safety service
9. Ensuring campus security and student safety

Extracurricular Activities Division 
This division is in charge of almost all school events, including fostering the students’ energy and passions for pursuing a wholesome life, helping teachers to manage classes efficiently, and providing assistance in student clubs development. Our main missions are stated as follow.
1. Arranging for advisor meetings
2. Overseeing the operation of class meetings and weekly gatherings
3. Facilitating positive communication between student s and school administrators through inviting students’ feedback and suggestions
4. Guiding and overseeing the operation of Student Union
5. Providing guidance in terms of student clubs organization and development
6. Organizing special events such as graduation ceremony and school anniversary celebration
7. Helping students do community service
8. Promoting students' extracurricular activities
9. Guiding the Alumni Association

Sanitation and Health Care Division
It’s our responsibility to ensure the health of all students and faculty members. We provide our service in the following fields:
1. Providing health checkup for newly enrolled students and tracking the health conditions of those who have abnormal health reports
2. Campaigns for promoting sanitation and health education
3. Dealing with emergency cases of sickness and injury
4. Signing contracts with regional hospitals
5. Student Safety Insurance services
6. Providing assistance to students having special diseases, mentally and physically
7. Ensuring the environmental sanitation and promoting recycling on campus
8. Drinking water quality inspection and environment sterilization on campus
9. Managing and inspecting school cafeteria and food court 

Counseling and Guidance Division
We aim to improve mental health of our students and all faculty members. The guidance and services mostly center on the needs of the students. The objectives of our work are to promote multi-faceted ability development, to construct a comfortable cozy environment, to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, to inspire students’ passion toward life, and ultimately help the students to fulfill their potentials. In order to achieve the preceding goals, we undertake the following tasks:
1. Providing individual counseling
2. Providing group counseling: We organize workshops on various topics based on the needs of the teaching staffs and students.
3. Psychological tests: Tests conducted range from behavior, personality, interpersonal relationship to career choices. The follow-up interpretation of the results of the tests will be offered.
4. Lending books and journals: Currently, resources which are available in our division include thousands of books, psychological and counseling journals , and video tapes functioning to improve mental health
5. “Guidance student” training: We offer training courses for “guidance students” elected from freshman classes. “Huei-Hsin club”, consisting of the guidance students, carries out the volunteer work in this division. The service opportunities, in return, contribute to the wholesome and professional growth of the “guidance students”
6. Services for minority students: To provide guidance and assistance for the disabled, Resource Room was set up. We offer consultations and guidance, in accordance with “student individualization education project”, by making plans and preparing budgets.

About Us

